miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Cómo generar un jar de json

1. Download http://www.json.org/java/json.zip from json.org. Save it in a some directory, which I'll call %DOWNLOAD_HOME%.

2. Unzip it. Be sure you preserve the archive's directory structure (/org/json/) when you unzip the file.

3. Change directory into %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\org\json

4. Compile the files by running “javac *.java”. At least, this worked for me. There is no build.xml or anything, and it just seemed to compile into classes nicely.

5. CD back into %DOWNLOAD_HOME%

6. Create a jar file called json.jar. The syntax is something like:

jar -cvf json.jar org\json\*.class

Ref: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=Integrate;action=display;num=1163101573

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