martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Rewrite rules para tener REST en PHP

Varias veces olvido los pasos necesarios para que funcione esa truculencia de apache:
  • Make sure that an .htaccess override is allowed. In your httpd.conf, you should have a section that defines your Directory on the server. Make sure the AllowOverride is set to All for the correct DocumentRoot.
  • Make sure you are editing the system httpd.conf rather than a user- or site-specific httpd.conf.
  • Make sure you are loading up mod_rewrite correctly. You should see something like LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/httpd/ (Unix/Linux users should also see something like AddModule mod_rewrite.c) in your httpd.conf. Also make sure that those lines have not been commented out (by being prepended with a #). Restart Apache to make sure your conf settings are active.
  • If you are installing into a user directory (, you'll need to modify the .htaccess file in the base directory of your installation. Just add the line "RewriteBase /~myusername/".

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